work your inner soil: CULTIVATE THE POWER OF habit

Nature-Based Recovery Habits: HOME STUDY

A gently guided path to cultivate 3 habits that move you into a natural state of recovery after loss, trauma or addiction.

In this home study, we grow something new inside of you - a space safe from overwhelm & the lonely disconnect of shut down. Use the audio & visual guides to walk you through 5 simple steps of each habit over the next 7 days. 

Just as garden soil needs to be prepared to receive new seeds, these 3 recovery habits create the conditions needed to carry your intent to recover forward, & unfold unknown growth potential at a relaxed, organic pace.


Course with Action/Audio Guides

HOME STUDY - Start Today!


Delivered over 7 days
Reading Time
1 hour
Practice Time
3.5 hours
1:1 Integration Session
30 minutes




Harness the Power of Habit

  • Build inner stability
  • Be with emotions in a useful way
  • Derail overwhelm, shutdown & compulsive habit
  • Respond kindly to inner discomfort
  • Create inner sanctuary

Shealagh King
Founder, Coach & Trainer
A Nurtured Life:
Nature-Based Recovery

Shealagh is a highly trained & experienced coach through BCC, Co-Active Training Institute & Coaches Rising. 

Shealagh believes that from the souls of our feet right up to our beating heart - our body holds the wisdom we need to liberate ourselves from oppressive limitations, to recover our true sense of the instinctive self & to shape our lives through the power of intuitive choice.

Shealagh's private / group sessions provide a gently guided path on which to grow habits, skills & therapeutic capacities that move you into a natural state of recovery after loss, trauma or addiction.

Shealagh supports both personal or professional growth online & in person at locations in Summerland, White Rock & Squamish BC Canada.
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